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Digital Village
No technological skill development & employment opportunities in the field of industrial revolution 4.0 At rural areas of Sindh resulting in several social, moral vices such as unemployment, cultural, political, migration & immobility issues.

The Paris climate agreement has motivated global industries to shift towards sustainable alternatives. However, the construction industry lags in this endeavor. It uses cement and bricks that produce large amounts of co2 emissions and hence, causes global warming. Moreover, our brick industry not only destroys our climate by producing nearly half of our total co2 emissions but also enslaves more than 5 million bonded laborers including young children and women. These laborers girls undergo forced marriages, over torture, and rapes. Enslaving such a large part of our own population hardly sounds like a successful recipe for a country to develop.
Ecostabilizer aims to transform this energy-hogging and ruthless construction industry into a sustainable and human-friendly industry. We do this by producing self-healing construction blocks with zero carbon footprint that will replace conventional construction materials like bricks and cement.

Circular Energies
Pakistan is an agrarian country with huge biomass resource which is not used efficiently and causes pollution in the form of rice straw burning in Punjab leading to smog, smoke, and toxic particulate matter air pollution while at the same time 30% of its population still lack access to electricity and a vast majority of the country faces natural gas (Sui gas) load shedding in winter for domestic and industrial uses and forces the country to import fuel in the form of LPG, LNG, furnace oil, and crude oil. While on the other hand, the productivity of smallholder farms is low due to poor soil and limited profitability, low-paid jobs, and in-efficient resources. All these problems can be addressed by using our advanced thermochemical conversion technology which converts biomass and other mixed waste into electricity, heat, and biochar. Biochar is recognized by the united nations (IPCC) as a carbon sequestration tool while it also enhances the soil carbon matter to increase soil productivity.

Flat Plate Solar Collector
We need to develop solutions for farmers and supply chains to produce more from less, this could be water, fertilizer and oil.

SE Drop
Sdg 6 clean water and sanitation- providing wastewater recycling systems to deal with water scarcity and water problems.
Health and personal hygiene: providing customers with safe and effective hygiene solutions to ensure a better tomorrow.

The complete recruitment lifecycle takes a lot of time, effort & manpower. According to some analyst it could take as much as a few months to fill in a position. This results in stress and reduced efficiency for HR personals and for company this result in monetary lost.

YPay Financial Services Pvt. Ltd.
The growing e-commerce market has a major problem; most of today’s e-commerce websites have very Low conversion rate.

Do you remember your parents telling you to become a doctor or an engineer or be a failure? We can all relate to being confused and not knowing what to really do in our teens? Well, 50 million high school students in South Asia have little or no access to career counselling services. They are making their career decisions without any guidance whatsoever or parental pressure.

The growing e-commerce market has a major problem; most of today’s e-commerce websites have very Low conversion rate.

5Hazar (pronounced as “panch hazar”) is a counterfeit detection mobile application that enables users to scan currency notes and identify fake notes.