Participate in ASPIRE Startup Showcase

Improving the detection time of Sepsis due Hospital Acquired Infections from 24 hours to 6 hours before onset using Artificial Intelligence based Predictive Models to improve Operational Efficiency in the tertiary care and specialty hospitals

When any pathogen enters in a human, a kind of physiochemical changes. The conventional detection methods are highly expensive, requires expert persons, and time taking procedures.

The current system involves a lot of manual handling, which is time consuming & significant chances of making errors. This highlights the lack of alternative mode of payments and collision issues as signals are easily intercepted. The given system is not efficient at all.

Cash The Trash
A solution to solid waste management problem.
Homevism provides solution to real life problem which is related to construction. Houses and other commercial buildings are built through tedious process but still the end product is not up to the mark.

Problem Statement Small businesses in Pakistan, especially south Punjab, do not have much exposure to the customers. Also, they are unaware of marketing tactics to gain the attention of their target audience. We planned to design a platform that can serve as a channel...

Royal Trading Company
Problem Statement Produce good quality food that could meet the needs of growing population Startup Intro Convert dates into value added dates candy by adding different food supplements. Current Status: Launched (Actively seeking new customers) About Innovators...
The growing e-commerce market has a major problem; most of today’s e-commerce websites have very Low conversion rate.